Still having problems shaving WTG and XTG under the nose with an IBC and Feather AC SS shavette

Friday July 22, 2016
The Dark Lord of Wet Shaving
G'day IBC or Feather AC DX or SS shavette lovers or even a straight razor,

I don't know where to post this topic? because I'm still having problems shaving WTG under my nose with an IBC and Feather AC SS shavette because I keep getting nicked no matter how cautious I am, what is your secret to overcome this issue and I cannot find the latest youtube to get more details on the angle shaving with a shavette. Keep in mind this is a very frustrating shaving under nose with a bloody shavette and it's extremely tense not easy to relax.

Also I forgot how do you shave XTG on the neck holding the shavette from the ear to the adam apple, I have no issue going WTG and ATG because their are some tinny stubble left over on my neck and the only way I can finish it is go XTG.

Cheers ;)
Does anybody know a scything motion which I have no idea because I've never heard of it, and I can't pin point this information.
Aye..Its an SR Technique..I Woudnt Recommend it with a Shavette..You Run the Blade from HEEL to TOE when Doing a Diagonal Stroke..It Torques the Blade for a Very Close Shave or Hitting a Trouble Spot..Its Also Referred to By Some as Guillotine Method Due to the Diagonal Angle of the Cutting Edge of the Blade..:)

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