Query: PMs Sent to Email

Wednesday April 7, 2010
Sheffield, UK
I've looked a few times, usually when I have to start whinnowing through PMs to get enough space to receive new PMs, but I can't find anything to click by way of a preference/option to have PMs sent to an email address as well as, or even instead of, the PM folders.

Is there any way to do this in the existing set-up? If yes, where and how does it get activated? If not, is it possible to add this feature?
yep that notifies you that you have a message but you cant read the message from your mail, you need to login to view it, but i think hermit wants to have the actual message sent to e-mail ? is that what you mean john ? which i don't think is possible...
sunburyboy93 said:
yep that notifies you that you have a message but you cant read the message from your mail, you need to login to view it, but i think hermit wants to have the actual message sent to e-mail ? is that what you mean john ? which i don't think is possible...

Yeah, that's what I was hoping for - an actual copy of the contents rather than just a notification of new messages.

    • ... but I guess it isn't doable.
          • Nertz![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
See what Boab has to say matey.......

right i'm going to bed, spending far too much time on here and the blog, i have huge bags under my eyes that i'm starting to look like a panda
I think it depends on the forum setup - some forums I belong to include a copy of the PM in the email, but others, like here just notify you.

Sorry I misunderstood what you said above.
If you just want a record of your messages before you delete them to keep then use the Export as.... option at the bottom of the page. If you have Excel then I'd use that option I think that there is even a free Excel viewer if you don't have it already.
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