MSM for tendonitis, ligament & arthritic conditions

Well tried it for a bit and couldn't really tell so it fell by the wayside. Fast forward to this morning.
My aches and pains are pretty bad at the moment, I'm waiting for a second MRI before they work out whether to cut me up, and I was in the cupboard looking for Ibuprofen (all out!) and all I had was amitriptyline and the MSM.
An hours drive to work, in pain? I'll try the MSM again. Slapped a heaped teaspoonful in a glass of water and drank it down.
Got to work and realised, no pain!! about triple the dose seems to work. I've topped it up through the day and it's still working.
I'll give it a week and report back

Delighted to hear that!

But I'd advise going easy on large doses at any one time, as this can lead to nausea (in my own experience).
Glad to hear anything is helping Count, even if it turned out to be just a one off. I worked up to about 18,000 mgs through the day, in four doses with food. Now my maintenance is about 14,000, along with meals. Seems to be one of these products which suit some users more than others. Also, I suspect, some conditions more than others. Just take care of that olde Countly bod m8, it's the only one you'll get issued with. ( this lifetime anyway ).

JohnnyO. o/
I'll try Johnny, it's a bit stuffed up already though, not enough to take the amitriptyline though, awful stuff might keep the pain at bay and help you sleep but it messes with my head. Can't take it and do the whole get the kids sorted and drive to work thing at all.
@factormax certainly does when trying to drink the stuff!
I'm just wondering, Count, since the main beneficial effect of MSM is as an anti inflammatory if that is why you might only experience intermittent relief with it. It won't address the underlying joint/skeletal issues causing pain, so can only give relief when the joints " flare up ". Anyway, I do hope you get some continued easement, I'm well aware of how constant background pain wears you down. And your life sounds stressfull and busy enough as is. That's even without falling off rock faces for relaxation !

JohnnyO. o/
Not sure MSM counts as homeopathic Steve, as the flakes & tablets I buy are undiluted and full strength. However as long as it assists me you'll understand that I'd happily even accept it as a placebo. And I bet, if they could, your old horses would be as gratefull as this old ass is for any relief they get.

JohnnyO. o/
Not sure MSM counts as homeopathic Steve, as the flakes & tablets I buy are undiluted and full strength. However as long as it assists me you'll understand that I'd happily even accept it as a placebo. And I bet, if they could, your old horses would be as gratefull as this old ass is for any relief they get.

JohnnyO. o/
It kept one old mare going for more than three years. I was under the impression that it was a herbal remedy.
It kept one old mare going for more than three years. I was under the impression that it was a herbal remedy.

Yeah, it's a natural nutritional supplement supplying biologically active sulphur accoding to papers I've read online. I just know that, like your old mare, it's keeping my knees going. ( And there, I devoutly trust, the resemblance between the mare and I cease ).

JohnnyO. o/
Yeah, it's a natural nutritional supplement supplying biologically active sulphur accoding to papers I've read online. I just know that, like your old mare, it's keeping my knees going. ( And there, I devoutly trust, the resemblance between the mare and I cease ).

JohnnyO. o/
Unless you lift your tail, kick up your back heels and fart for Britain when you finish your dinner, then yes, the resemblance ends there.
We give it to our old horses. I suppose it could work for old Brits, too (and the O-man is even older than I). The problem is that any relief if purely anecdotal, as there haven't been any published studies that show any efficacy from homeopathic therapies.
There are some studies linked to on the Wikipedia page for MSM.
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