Longevity of unopened bottles of Old Spice & Brut.

Saturday September 29, 2018
As the title says! I bought a bottle of Old Spice & a Bottle of Brut around three years ago, I have been using a bottle of Lidl's G.Bellini fragrance, it ran out yesterday, so I wasn't to start using the aftershave that's likeliest to go off first & leave the longer lasting bottle in the cupboard until it runs out.
What is likeliest to be the longer lasting of the two? Both are unopened & the Old Spice is still in the box, stored in a cool dark cupboard & have been since they were bought.
As the title says! I bought a bottle of Old Spice & a Bottle of Brut around three years ago, I have been using a bottle of Lidl's G.Bellini fragrance, it ran out yesterday, so I wasn't to start using the aftershave that's likeliest to go off first & leave the longer lasting bottle in the cupboard until it runs out.
What is likeliest to be the longer lasting of the two? Both are unopened & the Old Spice is still in the box, stored in a cool dark cupboard & have been since they were bought.
If as you say they have been stored in a cool dry place and out of sunlight they will last for many years. Enjoy!

I don't generally have aftershaves/EDTs for long enough for them to "go off"....

Seriously, as long as you store them in a cool, dark place, then they should be okay. That's my experience, anyway. I also try to avoid buying them from anywhere that don't store them "sensibly".
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