KROPP straight (modified)

Thursday March 15, 2012
As above chaps. Razor has some pitting and tarnish and has, at some point, lost the last half cm or so from the end of the blade. Someone's tidied it up so it's now just a slightly shorter blade. Might actually make it quite good for detail around moustache, sideburns etc. if brought back to shave ready condition, which I'm sure anyone who knows what they're doing could do. Look like original scales and undamaged. Has what I think is the original box but is somewhat scuffed so hard to tell for sure. I'll leave this up until Sunday 22nd and pick someone out of that hat. I really can't be fussed with taking a pic and posting here. It's a giveaway after all. If you really want one and your on WhatsApp that'd be the most convenient way to send one.
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