Ivory items on Ebay

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
I listed one of my Ivory Alternative brushes on Ebay explaining that it is a high quality cast polyester resin that has the grain pattern of real ivory.

It was deleted on the grounds that Ebay don't allow the selling of items made from ivory, which I was well aware of.

I searched Ebay for Faux Ivory and Imitation Ivory - and found loads of things. Seems like they have a problem with the word 'alternative" I have written to them to try and clear this up and revised my listing, temporarily I hope.
Authentic Ivory=may be elephant tusks or something from an animal protected by US laws..etc..etc..but if you list it as porcelin or faux ivory..different story

It's just grammar fido, I find this occasionally when working with American clients. I am sure if you re-list in a simpler way you will be fine. Maybe tag the brush as ethical fake ivory.

Reminds me if the time an English academic friend told his American students, "we will do this in the uk format, I will talk for 50 mins, we break for ten to allow those of you so inclined to take a quick suck on a fag, and then back here for the last 50 mins".


American <> English
I suspect the problem was that I said the material looked like real ivory. My theory is that their systems picked up the phrase "real ivory" without taking into account the context.

It's not a big deal, and at least it shows Ebay has ways of checking for these things.
IanM said:
It's obvious that some eBay Nazi didn't bother reading the listing throughly.

I had a car pulled three times because I put in the listing that I would not accept Western Union payments, evilbay kept pulling it but just told me that it was because I was accepting a payment they wouldnt allow. Took until the 4th listing for me to twig and amend the wording.
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