Inappropriate "hold" music.

Monday January 4, 2010
It occurs to me on occasion while listening to certain songs that they would be a really inappropriate piece of telephone hold music for certain organisations.

Some examples

Van Halen - Jump - The Samaritans
Prodigy - Smack my bitch up - The RSPCA
Led Zeplin - Stairway to heaven - Stannah

Over to you......
My sister has a habit of singing really rubbish songs and its really irritating.
She once went to the beach with some friends and started singing the seven dwarfs song from Snow White. Half way through she realised she was getting nasty looks from several vertically challenged individuals who were also on a day out to the beach. She hadn't noticed them up to that point.
Thomas Dolby - Hyperactive - The ME and Chronic Fatigue support line
Madonna - Papa don't preach - The Vatican
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up - The Priory
Flatfish said:
My sister has a habit of singing really rubbish songs and its really irritating.
She once went to the beach with some friends and started singing the seven dwarfs song from Snow White. Half way through she realised she was getting nasty looks from several vertically challenged individuals who were also on a day out to the beach. She hadn't noticed them up to that point.

My kids spent days on end singing a really annoying song from tv that went "Can you imagine a world without bacon / la la lala la"

Very silly and very catchy.

They sang it for what felt like hours on a long car journey and then I found myself singing it too.

I was singing it at the urinals in a motorway service station when I realised the man next to me was an Ultra Orthodox Jew (n.b. I realised by his clothes, hair etc NOT by, errr, anything else).

I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up.

Suffice to say I have not sung it since.
Another one for the Samaritans... "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen

Our local undertaker has... "Who Wants To Live Forever" also by Queen

Our solicitor has.... " D-I-V-O-R-C-E ! " by Tammy Wynette

When I phoned my Relate counsellor I was put on hold and... "I Hate Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe was playing followed by "I Never Promised You A Rose Garden" and "
Message in a bottle - The police alcoholics anonymous
Take my breath away - Berlin Asthma uk

Apparently on hospital radio they don't play songs such as the above or don't go breakin my heart etc, they must be quite careful in choosing their playlists id imagine. :lol:
Not really in line with this thread...but still bloody annoying and actually inappropriate at any time would be the jingle from the "We buy any Car . com" advert on TV. My god it gets on my nerves. A couple of weeks ago, Mrs AJP woke up with my alarm, turned to me and the first thing she said was...."We buy any car . com"!! Well sung/rapped it rather than said. That was it, stuck with me all morning - and it ensured my shave was interupted as the tune had infiltrated my mind...AARRGGHH!!

The Labour Party hotline...... Millionaire by Dr Hook. (Seriously if you don't know it, just have a search).

AJP said:
Not really in line with this thread...but still bloody annoying and actually inappropriate at any time would be the jingle from the "We buy any Car . com" advert on TV. My god it gets on my nerves. A couple of weeks ago, Mrs AJP woke up with my alarm, turned to me and the first thing she said was...."We buy any car . com"!! Well sung/rapped it rather than said. That was it, stuck with me all morning - and it ensured my shave was interupted as the tune had infiltrated my mind...AARRGGHH!!

The Labour Party hotline...... Millionaire by Dr Hook. (Seriously if you don't know it, just have a search).


I just heard it from the TV a minute ago. I hate it. Along with that go-compare guy and the voice that says "autoglass repair, autoglass replace" on the local radio stations.
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