Hot towel tips?

Saturday December 25, 2010
Hitchin, Herts
Not a massive subject I know but it's one that I've not yet seen discussed on TSR so it might be worth a natter about.

How many people use a hot towel?
Daily or once in a while?
Microwave or tap? Or stove?
Do you notice a huge difference in the shave?
Any tips?

I use one only once in a while to be honest, I do find it makes a little difference in the speed of prep (it's quicker to soften hair) but that's about it. If I have more time I just have a long shower.
My tap water is pretty hot so I just run it under that and be done.

The only tip I can offer is that I find that bar towels (Those that catch the drips in the pub) are an ideal size... not too big. Fold them once lengthways and wrap against chin. Once done, hang it on the towel rail and the whole thing is dry by evening. I've often wondered what sort (and size) of towels other men use.
I use a standard face cloth aka Flannel. A guy at trumpers suggested putting them in a freezer bag then sticking it in the microwave for 30 secs. I tried this. I didn't find it much better than just hot water. I always put a hot face cloth on my face before shaving, even after a shower.
i have tried hot towels, but doesnt seem to soften my beard growth any better than a good warm face wash with soap...

seems to delay my shave too long too, much as i feel the benefits of good prep, i would rather put all my time into my shave :)
I had the hot towel treatment prior to my two barber shop shaves. Loved it.

Tried something similar at home. Didn't love it. Found it a flog.

In neither case did it convince me I had a more effective shave. I've tried other ways of "improvement". I settle now for shower first, then a warm rinse before applying lather. I'm happy with my shaving ritual now but I'm glad I've tried different things to see if they worked for me. And it was fun. And that's what this is all about.
Dont know if it makes any real difference to the shave but I love it and it makes my face feel good befoere the lather goes on.
I just soak the face cloth in hot water for a few secs, rinse out and apply to face until it starts to cool. I repeat 3 or 4 times befoere I shave,
I like my shave to be warm and the hot towel starts the process perfectly.:icon_smile:
regards, beejay
I've been doing this for around 8 months for times when I didn't have chance to shave after a shower in the morning but need a shave before the next day but no time for a shower.

I just use a hot tap water and a flannel, I find its plenty hot enough. It does help create a more comfortable shave IMO. Do it around 2-3 times until the towel is cool-ish.

Also stick a bit of shaving soap on before with your brush (lather doesn't matter) so your skin is nice and cleansed and you should have a great tip.

The last tip was from Mantic about the lather under the hot towel if I remember correctly.
As a disabled chap for whom showering is a pain in the backside, it's my main means of softening my coarse beard. Standard flannel, some glycerine face soap on face, then as per Goldcrest's procedure. Shave is uncomfy if I don't reapply the flannel enough times.
Although I am new to traditional shaving, I have used a hot towel before shaving with cartridge razors for a long time.

I tend to bathe rather than shower, so I'd have my bath, having washed face with a really good soap and then apply some pre shave oil to my face.

Then go nuke a damp flannel in the microwave for 45 secs, and apply this on top for a minute or two. (I often jump back in the bath whilst the hot flannel styeams my face!).

I have always found it realy relaxing, and my pores always feel wide open.

I hoonestly dont know how much it affects the actual have though.
If I haven't got time for a shower, or just don't need one, then I'll use a hot damp flannel on my face for a couple of minutes. It does the same job really.
I loved the hot towel used in the shaves I have had by barbers. But at home, it didn't do much for me apart from complicate my ritual. So it's shave after shower before another rinse before applying lather.
I know I'm new to all this but on the odd occasions that I don't have time to shower I use my face flannel having soaked this first in hot tap water. The tap water is hot enough that you can't keep your hand under it.
When this cools I repeat the process so that the flannel is hot again.
As posted in the past I use a hot flannel after the shave prior to cold rinse to ensure all soap residue is gone. I have fairly sensitive skin and have found this helps enormously.
rangers62 said:
As posted in the past I use a hot flannel after the shave prior to cold rinse to ensure all soap residue is gone. I have fairly sensitive skin and have found this helps enormously.

Of course it would, soap left on skin = blackheads and irritation. Making sure all the excess soap etc is off your skin is really important.

IMO "hot towel" pre shave is best saved for barbers visits. At home it is too much faff and can never get it the right heat so that it isn't scalding/too cold. Barbers get it just right.
Canuck said:
Not a massive subject I know but it's one that I've not yet seen discussed on TSR so it might be worth a natter about.

How many people use a hot towel?
Daily or once in a while?
Microwave or tap? Or stove?
Do you notice a huge difference in the shave?
Any tips?

I use one only once in a while to be honest, I do find it makes a little difference in the speed of prep (it's quicker to soften hair) but that's about it. If I have more time I just have a long shower.
My tap water is pretty hot so I just run it under that and be done.

The only tip I can offer is that I find that bar towels (Those that catch the drips in the pub) are an ideal size... not too big. Fold them once lengthways and wrap against chin. Once done, hang it on the towel rail and the whole thing is dry by evening. I've often wondered what sort (and size) of towels other men use.

Hi use a hot towl well face cloth John Lewis sell very thick egyptian cotton face cloths for £3 very nice, it's more important than most people know to use a good thick hot face cloth isint it.
I always use a hot towel, well guinness bar towel.
I leave it to soak in the sink with boiled kettle water while I shower, by the time I get out it is just the right temperature.
Sometimes it can take several re-soaked towels to fully soften beard.
The steam deep cleanse the pores and sinuses. Sometimes I'll put a few drops of the mrs's essential oils in say peppermint or lemon (depending on what soap I'm using)
It's an important part of my ritual :)[/u]
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