
Wednesday March 1, 2023
As my username suggests, I live in Maine, USA, and was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where we are known as yoopers (U.P., see?).
I am looking forward to participating here and getting to know you.
My shave tools include all blade formats, but there is a definite majority of single edge razors, mostly vintage. I have a shavette and a straight, but the learning curve is steeper than what I want right now.
Be seeing you!
Hi There Eric @MaineYooper,
welcome dracula GIF

PS, Are you still on TOST?
As my username suggests, I live in Maine, USA, and was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where we are known as yoopers (U.P., see?

Hi there,

Mackinac Island Fudge!!! Some wonderful kid memories of having it once a year while attending the big IKC dog show in Chicago . There was always a vendor offering that delicacy back in the late 50s-early 60 era.

Then you also have the Chicago Yacht Club's annual race (40-60 hours) to Mackinac Island which I believe claims 1-4 lives, depending on the weather.

Famous area for the fudge and many tragic deaths.

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