Happy Easter time!

Saturday July 11, 2009

Seeing as how it's almost Easter, I looked in over at The Landover Baptist Church site. Yeah, it's got a tiny bit of a religious slant to the place, but not so you'd notice. The place is especially active around Christmas and Easter, although Halloween is also a busy time. Heh, the Jewish holidays get an extra special treatment. Being a Chosen One, I appreciate the equal amount of effort put into the articles.

Here's a link to one of the seasonal topics about the Easter Bunny. Plenty more to choose from along those lines, but you'll get the idea. Matter of fact, there may be other things to catch your interest, and yes, all those links do go places.

The site is as well done as the Onion........probably even better actually. I hope some of you enjoy this little treasure.


Oh yeah....some of this may be just the teeeeeensiest bit offensive to a couple of youse guys. Fair warning.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0404/easter.html">http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0404/easter.html</a><!-- m -->
I just had a look around there; it has gone a little way to reducing my anxiety about America.
But does this mean God didn't mean for us to invade Iraq?? :lol:

Max, Glad to see you enjoyed that site. There's a lot of time and thought put into making it a realistic sorta actual place.

To the nice soap lady: Yeah, I agree with you about the site making me feel safer and more confident regarding all the fair and balanced great minds being out there to draw on. Doesn't much matter about indivual religions, since that group treats them all about equally. Can't ask for much more than that...........

You weren't referring to Mr Bush as God were you? We rarely hear that nickname anymore, although ex King would fit pretty well. No, what I think you meant was, did God let Mr Bush invade Iraq, and for what purpose? I can tell you.........heh, actually I'm teasing and have no idea.

I do know why there's no 'yawn' thingy. It's because that emotion is too subtle, and most members would mainly use it to show they needed sleep. Yes, it's a brutish gang here.

I love the way some people on there actually think it's serious, and get labeled "Unsaved Trash"

Thread: How much do you guys think I could sell my daughter for?

Another one: 101 reasons why Atheists are WRONG !!!

Some good members are Felicity, Pastor Ezekiel, Cranky Old Man.. these are "True Christians™"

Have a gleen through the forum, it's the only forum where 90% of the members ("True Christians™") are trolling the 10% of the other members. ("Unsaved Trash")
It's one giant troll-fest!

I guess I'm unsaved trash; the main bit I remember from religious education, was 'thou shalt not kill'......but as the site shows, the bible is a tad open to selective reading. ;) :lol:
That website is nuts. :lol: I actually find it hard to read the forum stuff Max posted links to because there is so much misunderstanding of the irony and the jokes involved.
If God exists I think he'd find that site really amusing. He must have a wicked sense of humour after all!

I like the Christian dating link.."All men are Godly, and all women are virgins....mostly" :lol:
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