clean up, on an early super speed

Saturday April 9, 2016
im a poppa of a liberated/ransomed Gillette 40s super speed WITH the NO NOTCH HEAD. and the post ranger tech handle.

its filthy as can be, the pictures look like its hazed. its described as "filmy". its a mix of soap scum and finish damage. I only payed roughly what a pack of Chinese schick injector blades cost here in the states for it after postage.

I am thinking of the following

1. heavy hot water/dish soap soak with scrub down
2. a heavy amount of scrubbing with lime scale remover between sessions of number 1
3. metal polish
4. the tinfoil vinegar baking soda trick, but I don't have a good idea on how that is supposed to help.

Can anyone help me figure out 4 as a final clean up method, or if it should be earlier? I PLAN on a future professional replate.
well it arrived in decent condition.
mechanism is stiff as crap. full of a yellowy waxy residue. going to be a long soak. the finish is more then worn. looks like a 50 year old nickel....

The razor is solid feeling and seems to weigh more then my 2 year younger milord.
well it arrived in decent condition.
mechanism is stiff as crap. full of a yellowy waxy residue. going to be a long soak. the finish is more then worn. looks like a 50 year old nickel....

The razor is solid feeling and seems to weigh more then my 2 year younger milord.
Should be fine after a good soak and clean, well done, a bargin!
its a NO NOTCH. god it was nice. its solid, but the thing is I don't care about the finish. sure shiney is nice but it feels well balanced, and everything so far locks up nice. only a couple spot of green.
the way the tto knob moves, I think that the tto bar is bent somehow. but I NOT CARE. the head is perfect, the doors are perfect, the safety bar is perfect. everything is geometrically sound. the angle of the doors is different then my younger one. It really is the ranger tech head on a standard 40s super speed handle.

wont my world war 2 contract tech in bake lite case, the case seems immaculate in the photos. and it has an unwrapped package of 3 Gillette blue blades that are real close to early war time production. so im happy.
the older super speeds seem to like me.
traded a new standard I got for 20, for a near mint milord with case that's worth about 3 times as much.
got a fairly decent user no notch super speed for 8-9 dollars after postage.

its fairly easy to like them.
well cleanup has been progressing. I soaked it all day in dish soap and hot water bath. came out a lot smoother. then I soaked it alnight with denture tabs started out in hot hot water.

All the green crap came off, the mechanism is even smoother. the entire insides of the doors and blade tray are still factory plating quality. the outside is still hazed. Gave it a 91% iso bath... and shaved with it.
the weight is more like my 46-47 aristocrat, and the cutting action is very similar. not as "smooth" with a brand new Wilkinson sword, but a 1 pass BBS shave is a fun thing at TIMES. but I like shaving..
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