Change of username

And I'd like to become Antmum, wife of Antdad.

Or BigCat (the man PC's wife left him for: he's a tiger grrr)

Or Cher, so I can PM Sonny and shave from the grave

Or Audiolabtestresults ("It's not good news, I'm afraid")

etc etc.
Why, what should I be busy with?

(Checks diary. :shock: )

Err . . . I have it all in hand.

Will we be seeing you in church tomorrow Rik?
Rev-O said:
Why, what should I be busy with?

(Checks diary. :shock: )

Err . . . I have it all in hand.

Will we be seeing you in church tomorrow Rik?

No Ollie, I'm more of a virtuous pagan. Although if I was in your neck of the woods I might pop my head 'round the door.
Rev-O said:
Why, what should I be busy with?

Will we be seeing you in church tomorrow Rik?

I'd pop in to check the lighting Ollie! btw does holy water make any better lather?? you'll do a roaring trade if it does :D
Pig Cat said:
Ollie, have you ever lathered up in the font? Surely that would be the makings of a heavenly shave!

There's something that just sounds wrong about that... :)
Indeed there is.

Some people have no sense of the sacred.

God is love but I wouldn't mess around with him. ;)
cheese_dave said:
Aye, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Why would anyone want to change their name from "magicpixie"?
One day you wake up and you realise that the magic is gone and you're no longer a lithe young pixie anymore.
It's sad but it happens to us all.the little pixie costume the pixie hat have been put longer will you wear your little pixie shoes with the turned up toes.

You'll always be a magicpixie to me.
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