Car Boot Sale...success after years of trying!

Tuesday May 1, 2012
West Norfolk. UK

I have been attending car boot sales on an infrequent basis for a number of years in the hope of finding a box full of Darwins or Bottom dial Fatboys but other than Rolls razors with broken stones, huge gouges in the strops and chips in the blades I have never found anything shaving related!

Today in a modest way my luck changed. A common travel set with two good chrome tubes a small unnamed brush (I've named it Simon the Super Shedder) which will likely be bald by the end of the week, a stick of malodorous shaving soap and the reason I bought the Ever Ready 1912 Bathroom set style travel razor, complete with a rusty ER Correx blade.

I am familiar with the ER bathroom set which is simply a 1912 with a turned round aluminium handle, this is the same with just a shorter aluminium handle, I have not seen this short handled model before. In the absence of knowing what it is called I shall call it the ER 1912 Bathroom(travel) model. I've never quite understood how somebody could be so restricted for space and weight that they would need an already shortish and lightweight handle a quarter of an inch shorter.

I am thrilled with my find in part because I paid two whole pounds for it!

Now in the spirit of 'taking one for the team' I have scraped the outer layer from the shave stick and washed it in hot water, it still smells quite awful and I am unsure if it is rancid. I shall grate it into a tub and shave with it in the morning!






Nice set. The first time I've seen that style of handle. Couldn't have gone to a better more deserving user and lover of single edge razors :icon_razz:
No doubt you'll report tomorrow the soaps use :icon_rolleyes:
The razor is grand, especially the handle which is pretty special. The soap I would throw as far as I ever could and yon brush is a Boots job, I think. My Faither-in-Law still uses one that is in a worse state than that - around half the original bristle count and those at two thirds of their original length maximum. Beats me how he manages it. The chrome tubes are great for Palmolive, Wikie and Boots sticks which all fit nicely but an experienced chap such as yourself will no doubt know this. That is if the tubes are the same dimensions as mine which they look to be from here. ;)

Very well done, sir! :D
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