April 2017 Acquisitions

Brushes must be like buses, you wait ages and then two come along at once....


Right to left, my aged Boots brush which looks tiny next to the other the newly arrived companions, a, MASETOSHAVING 30mm Finest Badger Shaving Brush and a Zenith B03-A26 Pure Bristle Shaving Brush.
Birth year soap "Pre de Provence No.63" to go along with my existing birth year Slim, from amazon.com.

Tried it out this morning. It's a gentle scent, hard to explain, I guess spicy warm, manly. It's a hard soap but lathers easily. What's not to like; well it's French but I managed to put my chauvinism aside and thoroughly enjoyed it :)


Looking forward to trying out the 10 week cured @phoenixandbeau soaps, don't know if its me but the scent certainly seems a lot more pronounced than my previous tub.

4711 Ice, had a quick blast and it smells very much like Nouveau Cologne with added menthol.

Some books that arrived as well, not shaving related though, thought they'd looks nice in the pic :D

The postman loved me today lol
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