An ode to a soap

Monday July 11, 2022
been shaving with the double and single edge for good time now, since early 2015. i have tried many things. some good, some so bad ill not think of them.

The issues i have is with scents, perfumes, and citrus and menthol.

Ive done the Cella road until the container went bad, crystals and such in it, changed color, and stopped lathering. Ive tried the creams, Speick was the best until i got adjusted to the scent and after 1.5 tubes it provides an instant migraine.

The best i have ever found is ERASMIC in the red package.. the tallow version yes. Yes its gone from market but its the best.

Last year and a half i have used the same container of stirling unscented with bees wax and tallow. It was starting to get yellow and not lather so well, so i cut about a 1/4 of the thickness away around the rim. and it smells and looks better, but just doesnt perform as well. Having to constantly reload the brush and relather, just like with GFT, its worthless to me now.

SO in desperation i snuck around the bath and found some partial bits of ERASMIC red tallow... and shaving was heavenly again.

SO in an honest search, does ANYONE know of a location for unopened containers of ERASMIC stick?
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