SOTD Saturday 3rd December - Friday 9th December 2016.

North East.UK
SOTD: 3rd December 2016.
A Saturday S..JPG
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: warm shower:/Wrights Coal Tar Body Soap/Wingman Jetwash Jetfuel face & hair gel . / warm wet flannel to my face.


Bloom water face wash.

3 Drops of Wilkinsons Shaving Oil: / Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Razor:Wilkinson Sword Classic .

Blade: Shark Super Stainless .(new)

Brush: Wilkinson Sword .

Soap: Grated Palmolive Shave Sticks + 4 drops of Glycerine in ceramic bowl.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil/Witch Hazel Mixture./ Lucky Tiger.

Brut Alaska A/S.

A new shaving set up to start the's been a while since i last used my Wilkinson sword classic, matched up with the Shark Super Stainless blade it gave me a efficient silky smooth shave with no errors to report, as always the Palmolive stick soap performed wonderfully slick, protective and a excellent post shave feeling,finshing off with a generous splash of Brut Alaska. Feeling refreshed to start the weekend,Enjoy you day,Gentlemen.;)
SOTD: 3rd December 2016.
View attachment 22425
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: warm shower:/Wrights Coal Tar Body Soap/Wingman Jetwash Jetfuel face & hair gel . / warm wet flannel to my face.


Bloom water face wash.

3 Drops of Wilkinsons Shaving Oil: / Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Razor:Wilkinson Sword Classic .

Blade: Shark Super Stainless .(new)

Brush: Wilkinson Sword .

Soap: Grated Palmolive Shave Sticks + 4 drops of Glycerine in ceramic bowl.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil/Witch Hazel Mixture./ Lucky Tiger.

Brut Alaska A/S.

A new shaving set up to start the's been a while since i last used my Wilkinson sword classic, matched up with the Shark Super Stainless blade it gave me a efficient silky smooth shave with no errors to report, as always the Palmolive stick soap performed wonderfully slick, protective and a excellent post shave feeling,finshing off with a generous splash of Brut Alaska. Feeling refreshed to start the weekend,Enjoy you day,Gentlemen.;)
You well & truly went to town on this shave.Lots of nice things in the recipe.

Pancake perfection on a Saturday morning.
image.jpg SOTD Saturday 3rd December 2016

Razor...Schick E2 1935-45
Blade...Schick # 3
Soap...Barrister & Mann Leviathan
Brush..Shavemac "The Blue One"

What a shave that was! Everything about the shave was great, the razor, soap and brush, producing a BBS finnish with zero irritation, perfect! :)

Have a great weekend. :)
Last edited:
December 3, 2016
Mongoose B2 with Triad Ti
Feather Super Pro (3)
WDC-8 with Druida Manchurian
PannaCrema Nuavia Rossa
Witch Hazel

The WDC-8 handle is solid brass that feels wonderful in your hand. As expected the Rossa was easy to load and lather. Sticking with a 2 pass shave, XTG & ATG, followed by minimal touch ups ended in a near BBS. Overall a great shave and an excellent start to the weekend. I hope everyone has a great Saturday.
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