Old Vulfix


LeJog 2022 Finisher
I haven't been posting lately because of one thing and another, but not to mean I haven't been 'looking in' and certainly haven't quit having a proper shave and grown a beard.

Recent months had me using nothing else but L'Occitane Cade which I really rate as a cream but after eventually running out I reached in the back of the cabinet for a tub of Old Vulfix Persian Musk which never gave me great joy in the past. However now having the ability to make a better lather all I can say is 'what a fucking cream' this is.

The scent is not strong in any way and hardly lasts longer than the shave itself but for time after time results and a great base to lay a blade on this stuff has Wow factor. Great glide value and less razor clog than usual.

Brilliant stuff and I see me trying more of their creams. If I recall it wasn't particularly expensive at the time for a relatively large tub.

If someone was to ask 'what is your favourite cream?' I really would be lost.
iv got a tub of the Persian musk one iv only used it twice its good stuff i was gonna get the sicilian lime one but never got round to it :)

Go for the Lime, it performs equally as well as the Persian Musk and the smell is quite natural as opposed to candy store lime if that makes any sense.

I have used the Rose in the past as well, not so set on the scent, this one is a bit artificial but the performance is great for the price.
Go for the Lime, it performs equally as well as the Persian Musk and the smell is quite natural as opposed to candy store lime if that makes any sense.

Makes every bit of sense. Bought some while over in Scarborough and I certainly am not going to complain. Not the longest lasting scent (which cream is?) but very pleasing results this evening.

Thanks the hint
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