JA Cobb Razor Handmade in London

This story has two twists in the tale, but first the pictures.

So here it is, handmade in London by JA Cobb Ltd. Previous threads on other fora have speculated that this was a blank Gillette that somehow got attached to a custom handle. Having had a good look at it, I'm less convinced that it was. I've never seen a Gillette with a rectangular blade tray and the dimpled end caps.

Here's the first twist - none of the photos I've seen ever showed this:

It's huge - 105mm long which makes it more unusual than I expected, so as well as being handmade (whatever that means) its a bit of a monster. Still only weighs 67g though.

The second twist is less pleasant - it was sold to me as looking as though it may never have been used. After half an hour in the ultrasonic I confirmed that it wasn't a bit of decayed sponge on one of the doors, but actual corrosion, not much - but the seller wouldn't give me a discount so I opened a case and he's accepting it back.

EDIT Just had a thought, I'll send this out through the lending pool if anyone fancies it.
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