In which hand do you hold your razor to shave?

I'm left handed, well I write with my left hand, play cue sports left handed but do every other sport right handed i.e. golf, cricket, racquet sports etc. I find it far more natural to shave with the razor in my left hand, but I can happily shave the right side of my face right handed without any problem, shaving the left side right handed feels at bit awkward...

So the question is, do you shave holding the razor in your predominant hand i.e your writing hand or do you use non-predominant hand or mix and match?

Right..... I'm naturally right handed. I play cue sports left handed, but dread to think what would happen if I tried to shave left handed. Not something i'm looking to change anytime soon.
Left handed batsman, Left handed rifle and pistol shot, right handed golfer. Completely right handed when it comes to shaving

Strange isn't it? Like you, I'm left-handed at many things - shooting (shotgun, rifle and pistol), fly casting and (many moons ago) guitar-playing.

Yet I write with my right hand, use cutlery like a right-hander - although I hold a dessert spoon in my left - and yes, I use my right hand to hold a razor.

I know that my master eye is the left, hence I have to shoot off the left shoulder with a shotgun. Presumably you had the same problem with the service rifle that I had - right-handed use only?
I'm so ridiculously right hand dominant - once nearly took one of my chops off trying to use my left hand:eek: More than adept now at just using my right hand. :rolleyes:
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