Strange things happening

I live in a modern apartment built in 2003.
Recently strange events have been occurring. My partner is currently away looking after her unwell Father.

1. A pair of slippers that were untidily at one end of the living room were arranged tidily underneath the clothes airer at the other end.

2. A few days later a pair of pyjama bottoms that had been on the airer drying, were folded smartly on top

3. This is the weird one, the liquid Marseille soap pump container that is usually next to the cold tap was dead centre on the floor in the bathroom.

4. I jokingly said to my housemate, an 11 year old miniature Schnauzer did you do this regarding the slippers. She indignantly huffed and ran away, she then did a few short barks and growls next to her toy box. Her two favourite toys have disappeared.

5. I just received a new Proraso balm, I have actually received around 6 in the last week. This has disappeared, I can't find it anywhere.

I do not take drugs and virtually never drink. This is very puzzling...
These events may have occurred before unnoticed as I would have blamed the other half, but now I am home alone it's noticeable. Do I sleep walk? Am I suffering memory loss? Just getting old..
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There are tales of people living in hidden rooms, loft spaces and so on ... confirmed after setting up home cameras. Perhaps take advantage of Black Friday and pop a couple of cameras up?

That, or the Schnauzer is a bold-faced liar! Check her breath for tell-tale Proraso mintiness. I've also heard of cats popping into folks' houses and stealing things, but not generally tidying up.

Curious! I'm sorry if I've weirded you out with the hidden room thing, but ghosts don't exist so Occam's razor would lead us simply to: someone is coming in and doing this.
"people living in hidden rooms"

You should read and pay attention.

If it's a ghost you should move.
Ghosts or people in hidden rooms - if you're getting a shotgun to deal with them in your flat, it's probably best to know who could be walking in with their key :unsure: Also, in the UK it's fair to say that "to shoot the intruder in my loft" is not seen as a valid reason to grant an FAC. :oops:
Definitely some cameras in central points around apartment (one that would require someone to go through to get to those spots) . Potentially change locks too, just in case. Like others, I’ve heard stories of people living in various spaces in a flat/house… not a common occurrence but definitely does happen by the sounds of it!

Change of locks being suggested in case that happened once you’re out of the house - if you weren’t the first person to live in that apartment , maybe someone before you kept the keys and can access (again, unlikely but does happen too)
Ghosts or people in hidden rooms - if you're getting a shotgun to deal with them in your flat, it's probably best to know who could be walking in with their key :unsure: Also, in the UK it's fair to say that "to shoot the intruder in my loft" is not seen as a valid reason to grant an FAC. :oops:
"Always identify your target" is one of the basic rules all firearms owners should know and practice. Self defense or home defense is the reason, and only shoot if your life or someone else's is in danger. But yes, in the uk only the criminals have guns, honest people are screwed.
1. A pair of slippers that were untidily at one end of the living room were arranged tidily underneath the clothes airer at the other end.
2. A few days later a pair of pyjama bottoms that had been on the airer drying, were folded smartly on top
3. This is the weird one, the liquid Marseille soap pump container that is usually next to the cold tap was dead centre on the floor in the bathroom.
So,... it's tidying up and telling you to wash your hands?
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