SOTD : Saturday 13th March to Friday 19th March 2021

Sun 14th March

Omega 11137 boar
Arran Aromatics Bay Citra
Schick “O” Clone
Schick S/S Twin-Japan ( 1 )
GB Grey Flannel A/S Lotion

After a few weeks with my AC/SE Razors I thought a relaxed Sunday Shave was due. The ideal choice was The “O” Clone as it is so smooth and forgiving. Was a rather laid back affair as I did not push for an ultra close finish, which this Razor can deliver especially with a fresh blade.

Themed 'Trampled by elephants' I present you with today's SOTD


Bull elephant - Stainless Mongoose
The elephant in the room - Feather Super Professional
An elephant never forgets - Yaqi Dandelion
Seeing pink elephants - Signature Soaps Londinium
White elephant - Penhaligon's Bayolea

I often heard in the past people say 'If I could be reincarnated I would come back as a seagull so I could shit on everyone who shit on me in life'. Me? I'm returning as Dumbo.

First shave since last Thursday as I had my Astra vaccination last Friday. Death might have been a better option as I felt I had just been trampled by a herd of elephants. I have never been to bed for 36 hours for many a year. Glad to see the start of a new week feeling far far better.

So a very welcome shave and a fair bit of facial rubble to dispose of.

But of course I opted for the stainless Mongoose as against to a 14" hacksaw. A far safer choice. And what a mighty fine decision. Time to change the blade and am I glad to see the back of the Proline. Not everybody's choice but I find the Super Pro a much better blade for me.

And choice of lather in a tin came via Signature's super Londinium and no aniseed to be detected. Happy days. There may be more expensive soaps out there which do a marvelous job but Brian's do very much the same but minus a wallet emptying exercise. If you haven't tried any of Signature's Soaps you owe it to yourself to do so.

The Dandelion is what the Dandelion is and possibly the best £20 you could spend on shaving. A super product.

So all in all a smashing close shave with smashing results and a very happy me. I missed my shaving routine, but glad to be back in the groove. Just like this lady

So come on. You've missed this bit haven't you? It's that Japanese girly moment with Galmet

And in case anyone is wondering anyone who posts with a photo gets a free laugh this week
Themed 'Trampled by elephants' I present you with today's SOTD

View attachment 66351

Bull elephant - Stainless Mongoose
The elephant in the room - Feather Super Professional
An elephant never forgets - Yaqi Dandelion
Seeing pink elephants - Signature Soaps Londinium
White elephant - Penhaligon's Bayolea

I often heard in the past people say 'If I could be reincarnated I would come back as a seagull so I could shit on everyone who shit on me in life'. Me? I'm returning as Dumbo.

First shave since last Thursday as I had my Astra vaccination last Friday. Death might have been a better option as I felt I had just been trampled by a herd of elephants. I have never been to bed for 36 hours for many a year. Glad to see the start of a new week feeling far far better.

So a very welcome shave and a fair bit of facial rubble to dispose of.

But of course I opted for the stainless Mongoose as against to a 14" hacksaw. A far safer choice. And what a mighty fine decision. Time to change the blade and am I glad to see the back of the Proline. Not everybody's choice but I find the Super Pro a much better blade for me.

And choice of lather in a tin came via Signature's super Londinium and no aniseed to be detected. Happy days. There may be more expensive soaps out there which do a marvelous job but Brian's do very much the same but minus a wallet emptying exercise. If you haven't tried any of Signature's Soaps you owe it to yourself to do so.

The Dandelion is what the Dandelion is and possibly the best £20 you could spend on shaving. A super product.

So all in all a smashing close shave with smashing results and a very happy me. I missed my shaving routine, but glad to be back in the groove. Just like this lady

So come on. You've missed this bit haven't you? It's that Japanese girly moment with Galmet

And in case anyone is wondering anyone who posts with a photo gets a free laugh this week
I did wonder at this mirth being cast around with alacrity. Most welcome :)
Sunday 14th March

• Hampshire Wool Fat
• Simpson Trafalgar T3
• Razorock Hawk V2
• Kai Pink (7)
• Superdrug Forest Fresh Aftershave

I was expecting the V2 to shave differently to the V3, but they're like chalk and cheese . . .
The V2 imo, lacks smoothness, and felt harsh.
Audible feedback was off the scale - the loudest I've known a razor to be.

It shaves very close on the first pass, I was tempted to leave it at that but went ahead with a second, which resulted in a BBS finish.
Next time I'll see if a guarded blade will smooth it out a bit.
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