Alternatives To Mitchell's Wool Fat

Hi guys, I have never been a fan of shaving soaps, so have always used shaving creams. But would always get some mild irritation to my skin from th creams. This year though I tried Mitchell's Wool and my sensetive skin fells so much better after a shave and im getting no irritation at all now.

So I'm wondering if there are any similar soaps out there that people could reccomend to me?

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There are dozens of better alternatives out there. This thread just sounds like another promo for that particular soap. I have sensitive skin and can use Palmolive, Tabac, Prosaso and various cheaper brand soaps aswell as some of the triple milled hard soaps which are great performers. The last thing I'd want use is a sheep dip filtrate.
I've just ordered some Haslinger Schafmilch and a tin of Oatcake Overgrowth. So will give these a try and see how I get on.

Thanks for the recommendations.
...The last thing I'd want use is a sheep dip filtrate.

Sorry, but it just strikes me as blatant. Its not just this site that I see that product over rated.
Cant prove it's advertising of course but I know what I see and read.
Call me a cynic, whatever. I've also been accused of not knowing how to lather also by not being in love with that product.
There is however a good tutorial vid on YT about how to lather that product.....if you have an hour to spare.
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