S.O.T.D. Saturday 9th July to Friday 15th July 2016

Fri 15th July

Vulfix 404 mixed
PAL Adjustable- No 3
Schick NOS Platinum [ 1] ex Sweden
Alum Rub/Rinse
Jaguar Prestige

Took the opportunity to test PAL No 3 , not previously used by me.Used an NOS Schick blade [ From Sweden ]. Obviously
nothing has gone awry in the manufacture of this Razor. On a mid setting it seems to stick like glue to the face, and eliminates whiskers without effort. Result very smooth and close shave with no problems. If as " Fergiebilly " says the
Dutch blades are the best , I must look out for some because the Swedes are v.good.

Italian job today...(well, apart from the razor, brush and blade)

Pre: Shower and Proraso Menthol and Eucalyptus
Brush : Semogue 1470
Soap: Proraso Menthol and Eucalyptus
Razor: Gillette Superspeed (1951)
Blade: Feather
Post:Alum, Thayer's, Proraso Menthol and Eucalyptus A/S. Finished with the pre shave cream.

Feather a bit 'draggy' today; time to renew. Face BBS and colder than an eskimo's cod piece.

Have a great day.
Nuavia Green
ATT SE Bamboo (Feather Pro)
Epsilon LE Krion
Agua Balsámica AS



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July 15, 2016
Timeless OC with Triad Ti
Feather (3)
BSB-2 with 2 band Vie-Long Fan
MdC Fougere
Witch Hazel
Fine L'Orange Noir
Whipped Shea Butter

My 8th shave today with the Timeless OC. Three passes with touch ups ended in a near BBS. No fuss or drama just a great work morning shave. Finished up with a splash of Fine L'Orange. I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday.
July 15, 2016
Timeless OC with Triad Ti
Feather (3)
BSB-2 with 2 band Vie-Long Fan
MdC Fougere
Witch Hazel
Fine L'Orange Noir
Whipped Shea Butter

My 8th shave today with the Timeless OC. Three passes with touch ups ended in a near BBS. No fuss or drama just a great work morning shave. Finished up with a splash of Fine L'Orange. I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday.

That's a beautiful looking razor, Clint.
July 15th 2016.
Hot shower/Wrights cold tar soap/Dove face & hair wash.
Shaving Recipe:
Razor:Merkur 34C/Blade Shark SS (1)
Brush: Wilkinson Sword.
Cream:Groomed Shave Moisture Zone.+ 4 drops of Glycerin in mixing bowl.
Witch Hazel.
Groomed Post Cool Shave Balm.
A/S. Davidoff Coolwater.
my merkurs have gave me some wonderful shaves this week, the shark SS blades work with them excellently.;)

I used the Timeless SB head this morning. A weighty razor. I'd say it is at the upper end of 'efficient', bordering on 'aggressive'. As a Weber is to a Tech, then this razor is to a Weber. Ish. Smashing shave and some William's a/s - Acqua Velva - let me know it was very close!

Also new was my first ever Rudi Vey brush, which I have called a Middle Aged Snowman shape with a super-duper knot whose name I can't remember. Superb, is all I need to know!

Nanny's Traditional Neroli, also superb, and a NOS Sputnik blade.
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