"Do you even 4711 bro?"

So, got my first bottle of 4711 this week.
It's been one of those products I've always wanted to try but never got around to but some time ago I took advantage of a sale on Perfumania on landed myself a 6oz+ bottle for $2.

I didn't really have any expectations of the product. I just knew it has been around for a long time, it's unisex in scent and a lot of people seem to really like it.

This morning I splashed some on as I would with any EdC.

First/initial impression:
- Very fresh scent,
- More feminine than masculine
- Seems to be just one strong citrus note. Not a whole lot of complexity to it

Fifteen-twenty minutes later:
- Would really only work in the summer months. It's really fresh.
- I like it more and more after it settles a bit. Very nice.

Forty-five minutes later:
- Great scent...now, where did it go?

- Light/fresh summery citrus scent that has a very poor staying power (less than an hour in my case).

How about you? Do you 4711?

* Oh, and for some reason I've always thought the bottles were plastic...but it's actually a really nice glass bottle
I always like the look of the bottle in your photos!
I love 4711 Portugal. Similar to 4711 it has additional orange notes. Unfortunately you can only get it directly from 4711 (online or in their shop in Cologne) and they only deliver to Germany and Austria. I believe it was developed for the Japanese market and is widely available there.

That's it, dangle some unobtainium 4711 in front of us for the torment...........:p:(

Yes, its classic stuff and one of the first colognes I picked up when getting into this shaving lark.


Supplied in copious amounts to Kriegsmarine aboard U-Boats during WW2, I suppose to those men living in cramped conditions without a wash for months on end this stuff must have smelt heavenly!
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